What’s in a Name?

My name is Dave Stowell. I was ordained a Deacon in the Catholic Church on September 29, 2018. I am ministering for the Rockford Diocese at Saint Patrick Parish in Saint Charles, Illinois.

What Does a Deacon do?

A Deacon serves the community in which he is assigned. He is given his assignment by the Bishop. He then serves his wife, his family and he serves God.

The biggest challenge? Trying to keep all of that in balance.  God is our highest calling, but each of us are called to serve one another as well. Christ the Servant is the Deacon’s calling.

The Scripture passage Matthew 25:40 is possibly the best known and direct teaching by Jesus Christ on our interaction with each other. I try my best to hear this in all of the things which I do, in church, at home and at work.

Service Ministry

Saint Patrick’s Service Ministry serves to help those in need and to bring the life-giving Gospel of Jesus Christ to each person.  The Catholic Church means universal, so we bring our ministry to all people, regardless of monikers that may be given. From Genesis we learn that each person is made in the image and likeness of God, so when we look around we should see alot of God in our vision. We should also be thinking of those things, some small some large, which God would want us to do.

So, what does the name mean?

Be good: Good indeed is the Lord, His mercy endures forever (Ps 100:5)

Play nice: When we play, it should be fun and serving the Lord also should be fun.  Playing nice with others is an extension. There is work to be done, but serving others brings out the best in all of us.  That is certainly nice..

Think God ! As Jesus commands us Be perfect as the Heavenly Father is perfect. When we work to be like Him we are pleasing in His sight.

I pray you are having a wonderful day, Be good, Play nice, Think God !