Thursday 5th Week of Lent

Good morning everyone! It is Sunday… and more specifically Passion Palm Sunday!  Unfortunately, this year we are not going to be able to get palms. But, St. Patrick is letting you bring a branch maybe off the pine tree or maybe a tulip leaf… something along that line … bring it to St. Patrick’s Crane Road they will bless the branch with some holy water, and be blessed yourself by Christ in the Monstrance as you pass. You will stay in the car the whole time… open the window to have the branch blessed with Holy Water and viola you are on your way.  You get to momentarily see your priests who have been praying and working hard for each and every one of us and for them they get to see you! And they really love that.

 So live streamed Mass is at 9 am via facebook, youtube, or the website and then the branch blessing starts around 10 and goes to around 11 or so.

Well since it is the Sunday and you will certainly have a chance to hear from your priests and pastors a great message most likely about the entrance into Jerusalem by Jesus or Hear about the Crucifixion. I thought I would give you an update on some of the things I have been doing around here. Obviously working, which I actually enjoyed more than I thought I would. I had feared lots of distractions and things pulling me from work… But I was able to put in a great week of work. 

I have been trying to keep up with all of the St Patrick Service ministry’s and how all of the leaders are getting along during this. It has been great seeing Ryan at Hesed House give their daily updates. We made dinner for Lazarus House this past week as well. They are obviously stressed but doing well it seems.

A real bright light has been the activities at the Bickford. This is an eldercare facility here is St Charles which specializes in Alzheimer’s and dementia. They have a Facebook page that keep everyone up to date. But the other day those that wanted to could go out into the parking lot for a bit which those that could really enjoyed.   Another post showed the workers going down the hall, handing out ice cream to the residents while they had an ice cream truck song was being played. I bet they really enjoyed those sounds. I always loved hearing the ice cream truck going down the street.  But it certainly looks like the people over at Bickford, and I am sure all of the other senior care facilities are doing well.

J have not heard an update on what is happening up at the Soup Kitchen in Elgin… I know they were planning on trying to go with a carry out service… I just haven’t heard from their leaders how that is going so I am praying for them.

A few weeks ago I redid the office and have been pretty happy with the results… have much more room for books and photo albums and now can see the TV or talk to Thea a whole lot easier.  Last weekend and this We tore apart our old closet that I built like 20 years ago and haven’t liked it since… So that is a work in progress and probably will be for a bit weeding through clothes

The amount of resources that we have available to us is astounding.  Online Masses, online catechesis, online conferences.  It has been an amazing spiritual week.  One of our friends, Kathleen was one of the talkers at the Virtual Catholic Conference this weekend. She did amazing.  Some of the top speakers and teachers are there on the conference. Obviously all of them live streaming or recording themselves but still has that live flair.  That is going to be a fantastic resource.

I found a book on the shelves called the Barbarian Conversion.  Basically talking about the history of Norther Europe and their transformation in the early days of the Church to Catholics. Starts out with the conversion of King Edwin of Northumbria which would now be northern England and Scotland. Hadrian’s wall runs through the middle. so a distinctly Roman edifice being converted to Christianity.   I just started it, so may give an update every now and again.  Seems like it is written in a more c conversational style which I tend to like.

So I am doing well, everyone in the family is doing well. We are going to participate in Mass and then head over for our branch blessing. Have a marvelous day

Be good Play nice Think God!