The Party Comes after the Preparation

Second Sunday of Advent – A December 8, 2019

The readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent can be found here:

John the Baptist Prepared us for Jesus

John was a very calm man to talk to wasn’t he?  I guess I see his point though…

He certainly knew what happened at the Temple. His father was High priest meaning that his family came from a priestly family. It is one thing to know the rules and the regulations, but most likely John knew the deeper meaning of all of the rituals all of the ceremonies etc.

Isaiah first it sounds good, but isn’t there

We hear the words of Isiah this morning as well. Talking of the Stump and the root of Jesse We get that famous line of the sheep laying down with the lion…. Oh wait it never says that does it?  Take a few minutes to read that scripture passage out loud with your family. It is an amazing passage and says so much about God’s desire for us.. but yet it never says anything about a lamb and a lion being together.

What it does talk about though is that we all have to change some of us, just a little more… some of us… a lot more.  But we have to first get to honestly know ourselves a bit. And all of the classes and training I was forced to do to let me learn about myself. I went in kicking and screaming… but I learned Dave you have this proclivity; you have this fault you need to watch for…. I went into these classes thinking I was the worst person … but I came out Well Yes I am a sinful person, but I have this list of things to work on. The experience was horrible, but the results really worthwhile.

And that is one way I changed over the years. But what the readings are really focusing us on… is reminding us… in two weeks and 2 days we will be celebrating the birth of Jesus.  Now while everyone gasps and remembers only 16 days… I have gifts to buy for … I still need to get that bottle of wine for …


The party comes after the preparation… IF we were holding a party we would have a list of things to do… clean up the house, get the food, buy the drinks etc etc.. and those that are wise begin preparing for the party long before that day before.

We have a party coming and it is going to start on December 25th and it will go on for weeks.  And yes you might have to buy some gifts for others… but the most important gift is the one you can give yourself… Stopping. Pull out a prayer book sit down and read the prayer to God and let God stir around in your mind what the prayer means… not to God… but what it means to you.

Knowledge is power

You cannot make God more holy and perfect than he is… but you can… make yourself more holy and more perfect.  And the secret here is those dirty words I said before. Get to know yourself…. Get to know yourself like God knows you.  And yes there is some ick… but there is other good as well. We can get rid of the ick easily especially since the priests of Saint Patrick are now offering their priestly service to all 7 days a week.   Once we get rid of the ick… now we got the good stuff left.

And we can open that prayer book like it was brand new… just like you are… the conversation between you and God goes up to that next level and man it is good.  You and everyone around can tell the difference. You always were a child of God… but now it means something to you… now you are ready to make that commitment that God is going to be real in my life… That through Jesus I can be perfect, through the teachings of his Church we all can move forward leaving behind the Devil and his wicked ways… and when the Baby comes… we can pull Jesus into our hearts partake in His Mass with renewed fervor and renewed love.   We have 16 days’ folks…  Stop… recognize that what is important is not money gifts or cars but Jesus working within your soul

What can we offer?

The best way to work on yourself is in a little while someone will be coming down the aisle with the offertory gifts of wine and bread which will be perfected into the Eucharist… You can offer up your prayers thoughts and your own body and soul up to Jesus. Give to Jesus what you have to give and just like he multiplies the loaves and the fishes…we can see how much He returns to us all

Be good, Play Nice Think God!