The Lessons continue in the 2nd Week of Lent

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This has been a great week. The lessons that we are learning and our love of God is continuing to grow. When the weeks starts out dazzling with the Transfiguration.. one has to wonder can the week get better? Well, as I am sure you know the readings for Lent are organized and the readings continually teach each of us about Jesus. They teach the things He wants each of us to know. We are quickly heading towards Jerusalem. That will allow Him to reach His glory on the Cross. We have much to learn and much to recognize about Jesus, ourselves, and all who are around us.

I posted about the Transfiguration a bit earlier this week, If you have not already read that post, you can read that at:

Be amazed at the things you see!!

While we now know without any doubt that Jesus is God, He wants to be sure that we have all the information we need. We have been splitting our time between Matthew and Luke. This is important as we need to recognize that Luke is speaking to a God-Fearing gentile audience while Matthew is addressing the Jewish audience. Yes the outcome is the same, we learn the lessons but depending on who you are one might learn better from one or the other.


So Monday the Gospel proclaims that we should not judge… something tells me that when Jesus says this he is not saying these words in the way some people say it today. Today someone who knows they are practicing immoral actions or are convicted of sin use this line to declare.. You are not allowed to judge the things I am doing. Oh if they would re read this Gospel message, realizing that the judging must continue. In order to avoid sin, one has to know about it.

But it is when we go further and try to take over God’s job.. that is when we go to far. For we know that God is the eternal judge, we are not. We must keep in our minds the wellness of the other. Our relationship with all other human people make it imperative that we try to correct, try to teach, all while being compassionate. Oh yes.. this is difficult, but Jesus never said he was going to make our lives easy.

A Feast for the ages

A great feast was to be had celebrating St. Joseph’s day. Of all the words Joseph said in the Bible he showed his righteousness. It is only through words which Joseph proclaimed much???? Actually no… when you look closely Joseph never says a single word. His righteousness shines through his actions… protecting his family. Working for his family. Being an amazing foster father to God ! But not one word was spoken.. like a wizened veteran of life who by doing teaches. It is in this type of action that we enjoy such a Feast !

Sons of Zebedee

While we can learn many lessons , one lesson is very stark to learn.. that our Lord & Savior must go to Jerusalem be turned over to the chief priests and scribes. Note He is not being handed over to the Pharisees, but to the Sadducees and the lawyers. This misunderstanding has caused many millions to die over the years. Keep in mind that it are the groups that are no longer around ( And haven’t been since about 70 AD) that Jesus is turned over to. But for a brief moment We hear ting and almost rudely we are confronted with humanity and its ego and pride.

As for James and John’s mother.. well she was trying to make better for her sons. Perhaps not the best way of going about it.. but she was actually doing what her vocation called for. Raise and protect her sons. Studying these Scriptures, we know that the family was well-off and connected And we know that everyone at this point could not fathom the Kingdom that Jesus was actually talking about. The mother asking in effect for a political appointment to some extent was possibly expected. Being God really helps in situations like this. Knowing what everyone was thinking, acting, contemplating etc made it easy to quell what could have been a terrible fight.

Service to others

But the ultimate lesson… serve.

Don’t lord things over those you believe below you in status. I can think of someone who could have used this information. The Rich man who had been mistreating Lazarus for all that time. Keep in mind Lazarus was a very common name.. so this could be thought of as “Everyman”… And I have heard analysis that the Rich man is not just a generic rich man.. I have heard and it makes sense to me that it is a very pointed reference to a single person, who was chief priest at that time….a very very influential Sadducee named Caiaphas….

Jesus is really working to get Caiaphas to recognize the teaching… Jesus doesn’t want him to continue in his sinful ways. The story of Ananias (father of Caiaphas and his 5 brothers… actually all in laws so related but not true brother) and his family is quite interesting. Talk about political acumen,

Are you rejecting the stone also?

Today the Stone is rejected. Again a pointed lesson directed at the leaders of Jerusalem. He includes the Pharisee this time so more of a general rebuke to all. including us. Yes even today our sins and our running away from to our Lord when times get tough, affect Him. We reject the stone quite often. Christians must speak up and say those unpopular things such as can you please not use the Lord’s name in Vain? People throughout the land should not ever run away from standing up to His commandments. Yes, we have a way to go until we can extract ourselves from that box. How do we extract ourselves, but using the sacrament of Confession. When we admit our problems and admit our flaws we are able to work on them and bring ourselves closer to God. There are ample opportunities ion the next few weeks to get yourself right with God. You don’t want to be doing this alone God is in that Confessional and he is looking for you to be honest forthcoming and pour out your love for Him.

Tomorrow is probably the most talked about Gospel parable. And we should definitely be talking about it… In some ways it is the Very good news of the Gospel itself. We know this parable as The Prodigal Son. Note that it comes right after the corner stone in the lectionary. He is promising to keep His covenant again and again to us. God wants us back he does not want us out in the slop and the muck. So come on back, love Him and honor him. Proclaim the Gospel throughout the entire world !

Be good Play nice Think God !

Read this week’s Readings, Please visit the U.S.C.C.B. site. You will be able t read not only the Gospels but the others readings and prayers for the day: