The 5th week From Adultery to Praise… Then Passion

In the Catholic Lectionary we cycle through the various readings every 3 years, in this way we pretty much read through the vast majority of the Bible in those three years., Lenten readings do the same, though since the theme is so familiar, it might sound the same. This allows each of us to grow in our Spiritual lives. This year (perhaps age is a bigger part of my life), I noted that it was the eldest that dropped their stones first and left. But I also recognized that they did not stick with Jesus and allow Him to work with their sin and extract it from their lives.

Sin Enslaves

So many times we hold onto our sin..l. but why would we do this? Like so many other things.. familiarity. We are comfortable with how things are. Humanity is not too thrilled with change. But, it is one commonality which we have… we don’t want to acknowledge that the things we do, hurt others or offend God. Offending God is big, obviously, but He does see and know everything that we do. Those peculiarities that we try our best to make believe no one sees… is seen by God.


The First Reading on Modnay always had the feel to me as watching the old Perry Mason Show. There are many of you that might read this that do not have Daniel in their Bibles. I highly encourage you to read this story of How God saves the day through Daniel. There is so much to be retold about our interactions with each other.

Again, the central focus here is that the Truth will set you free. For those that have read this before we know just how incredibly God acts for Susanna. Her faith in God is so great that she is willing to be killed instead of giving up her own dignity. I fear today this particular sin is being re-enacted time after time. And no one is actually standing up for the true and the good. Our focus as a culture has shifted from God to ourselves and our desires. The righteous are beaten down and the judges (as in the story) are given the day.

The entire Chapter 13 of Daniel can be read here

The Light of the World

This same day Jesus Proclaims that He is the Light of the World. He is certainly the light which none of us should be hiding from. This is where I believe many in the Pharasee group came to belive in Jesus. Jesus was speaking their language. He used the Law to make his point. If indeed Jesus was the Messiah that all were waiting for, this is how we can imagine he woudl be talking. Here is what you believe and here is how I fulfill this.Note he was inside the Temple boundaries, but in the contribution area. where everyone who would be showing up would be.

You will die in your sin

I think it is pretty clear that sin is a big part of this weeks readings. God abhores sin and desires that His creation would have none of it. IT is simple to say I can go to God with my sin, and some indeed do and do show perfect Contrition. This is excellent. But for most, it is very difficult. the reason that sin is such a large part of the New Testamnet is really God saying to us, (since as Jesus He has experienced all of the temptations and trip ups etc) Here is how you do it…. It is possible to avoid sin. Come to me and have a heart of “metanoia” and we can talk this through.

Is it possible not to recognize sin.

Invincible ignorance is always at play. We know that xyz is wrong and sinful. But a particular person can know something, but convince themselves that it does not apply or not see that law xyz applies to their actions. It can be for a variety of reasons that this happens. and perhaps we are seeing that in Tuesday’s Gospel. No matter how many times Jesus is saying things, the audience is not getting it. In this case expectations that are not changing as reality is being shown to the audience. Many came to believe in him, but not all. Don’t we also get stuck in our expectations of how things are going to go? Don’t some of us always figure they can time the market?

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Another great First reading from Daniel. Faith in God shows itself so great in these stories. Okay in order to save yourself from being thrown into a white hot oven, make some meaningless movements toward the King’s god. Do that and the King will not throw yu into the fire… But then surprise the King.. say nope.. throw us into the fire… we are not worshiping anything but the true God of Israel. The king gets really upset and makes the fire 7 times hotter !! and when he looks in.. not only are the three .. dancing around in the fire they have been joined by a forth. Lets just say this was not a good day to be the King!.

Since again not everyone will hae the Book of Daniel in their Bible.. Here is a link to this story of Faith and trust in God Reading

Abraham is featured

Wednesday’s and Thurday’s Gospel points towards the enslavement of Sin. As we are coming closer and closer to seeing the sin of the world work together to destroy Jesus.. we should be asking ourselves.. What sis sin doing to keep me from being free. The Jews hid behind their beliefs. Even when logic, reason and signs are shown to them.. We human beings cling to the feeble excuse. They forget the truths behind the story. Jesus is the first son of God. God asked Abraham to give up his son in sacrifice and showed his trust in God, God spared Isaac.. and now was offering up His own son, Jesus. Man was making a god in their own image, not God’s. They were being enslaved by their attitudes and hardened hearts.

Truly, this man was the Son of God

By Friday’s Gospel, anyone who claims that Jesus is not expressing His Divinity must be reading a completely different book. The Jews would not be trying to stone him if they didn’t believe that He was saying that. Jesus again calls back to Scripture for answers. No one could keep Jesus imprisoned until the hour of his glory was going to come.

The In-gathering of Nations

For Saturday’s reading there is a homily which I gave regarding the readings. IT is called

His arrival in Jerusalem

And Sunday morning we began with great acclamation ! All the people cheering the Messiah who was going to change the entire world ! Man again had his presuppositions and all looked very good right here and now. God is not interested in the Riches, glory etc which man is.. These are the things of men…. God’s thoughts are on Redemption and Salvation. Leaders’ fear and trembling began to quake as we look toward Holy Week…. Man will turn once again on God. God knows the pathway … Gethsemane will bar any other route…. But the end result remains the same…

Be Good Play Nice Think God !

Here is a link to the USCCB Site for this weeks readings. Here