Sirach and today

To the penitent God provides a way back,
he encourages those who are losing hope
and has chosen for them the lot of truth.
Return to him and give up sin,”

Sirach 17:24-5

What an amazing reading from Sirach this morning. For the past couple of weeks we have been reading this wisdom book which was written about 200 years before Christ.  Words of encouragement abound in this letter, but realities of truth is seemingly its goal.  Who can argue that those who are penitent provide a way back?  It reminds me of the scene in the old Indiana Jone’s movies, The Last Crusade. To kneel and show deference to something greater allows the swords and blades to miss you.

What is this abount Penitent?

In today’s culture that makes the “me” generation look like pikers, it is very rare you see true penitence. You see a lot of false humility and quite a bit of   I feel if I’m right… but penitence? Not so much.   But implied in today’s reading is that there is still one truth and that is God’s truth.  We mortals need this as a measuring rod to compare with.  Perhaps that is why this book has been included in the Bible for 2200 years.  It is a measuring stick or canon to compare against.

This reading certainly gives us hope. As political figures go on searching for newer and more extreme ways of killing babies and denigrating immigrants we urge their repentance of their ways. The dignity that has been given to each human being needs to be respected.  Each human being needs to be loved. That is the central core of Catholic Social teaching.

“To the penitent God provides a way back from the killing, denigrating and appetite for destruction that many seem to have today.  God gives to everyone a heart which can be stony or it can be loving.  Give Penitence a chance… Be good, Play Nice Think God !