Return to Liberalism

There is no question that the Enlightenment has had a tremendously good effect on humanity. Without it I would not be able to write on this machine, be under this light, understand many things of science and have access to so much information that can do so much good.

I have read history and know well that no matter what idea or concept comes along there will be some that take things just too far. The recent development of “Scientism”, devotion to the practice of science, seems to me to be one of those things. Science in itself is a wonderful thing. However it doesn’t do everything. It may explain how the stars move in the sky, but not how those stars affect someone looking at them millions and billions of miles away. And no matter what some say.. it doesn’t explain where the stars themselves came from originally.

Product of the Enlightenment

One of the products of the Enlightenment was the United States and its constitution and many of its founding principles. Monarchies had worked well for years, but with power comes corruption. Looking back on history this seems to be true. Our folk lore of King George III shows just how much disdain we had for the monarchy. This came out of the other social reformations which had occurred earlier in history.

But I have to look back on history and then take a look at our current situation, both politically and morally. I am troubled by many of the things I see. the complete lack of caring for others. In particular those that are defenseless or even being used and preyed upon.

June 6, 1944

I would like to bring to light that, on this June 6, 75 years to the day, we landed at the beaches of Utah, Omaha, Juno, Sword, and Gold, at Normandy France to defeat the forces of the Axis in World War II. The Axis powers are known for invading and conquering lands, imprisoning anyone who they didn’t like. murdered those who are Catholic, Jewish, Gay, had a mental or physical disability, Gypsy, communist, capitalist or anyone else that stood up against that party which ran things. This was 75 years ago. We still have the fight between good an evil.

For all of the good things which the enlightenment has brought a breakdown has occurred. A complete breakdown of education, which the enlightenment brought to each of us. In the turn of the first millennium, the University system was established by the Church. Here was taught all of the courses that were available. Philosophy, Social Sciences, Theology, History, etc Out of this came great thinkers and set the stage for the expansion of knowledge People like Aquinas, Roger Bacon, Robert Grosseteste etc who moved education along a great line. making it easier and easier for all to learn such things

In most ways these set the table for the explosion of technological advances that were about to come about. But they were able to do that with what we would now call a Liberal Arts education. They knew a wide variety of many different things which allowed them to be open to new ideas but also the ability to push the boundaries, but knowing enough to recognize which boundaries could be pushed. They knew tyrants and they knew saints, they were able to take the good from all and reconcile to their knowledge and bridge that perhaps into wisdom.

June 6, 2019

Today we have manufactured a group of people whose only knowledge comes from the tyrants themselves. The tyrants of today are no different than at any other time. They entrench themselves and stop all progress. The tyrants disallow the great arts to flourish. music, art, etc.t put on hold. They determine what is to be taught and how it is to be taught. They indoctrinate a society or a culture as a whole keeping them to a specific learning model that only allows just the information you need for becoming the most productive field of your choice. If you are in Science, no reason to learn language or philosophy science will be your god. Want to be an accountant, numbers will be your god.

We should each be standing up and calling for a full education An education that will advance further the human race. This is in accord with God;s desire for us. But the the current state of affairs is the state continually pushes what can be taught and how to teach it. They are not satisfied with their own schools, but try to push their ways into the private parochial schools as well. Some allow it and pay the price.. others keep standing up for the rights we won during an age which understood the difficulties that would be brought about by a central government.


The fix for this, I suppose would be revolution.. but not one of fighting and pain. But the rebirth of true Liberalism in which everyone was allowed to learn whatever it was they want to learn. Greek Philosophy or Music theory… Okay I get it that they won’t be able to live on that.. but who says you can’t learn a trade and learn philosophy. Right now the Government schools are not allowing that. I haven’t seen classes like that since I was in school.

Keep in mind certain factions want to give college away.. Free of charge… Obviously something must be done as the price of college has brought nothing but heartache and slavery to banks and creditors. Not sure I want the government to give away free college…. That at least is one bastion of Liberalism left… not many schools do try to teach a complete Liberal Arts program, but some do.. If the government runs is… like in the grade schools, high schools and other secondary schools the Liberal arts won’t be offered.

Happiness is a warm book

I am no in my mid fifties and recognize just how much I owe to my Liberal Arts upbringing. I can make connections, I can even make change without asking a calculator for help. Parents today your child may never learn about Plato, Socrates, and will be overtaken with the enlightenment heroes the establishment wants us to hear about. The ones that further our education… the ones that don’t quite fit into the things they want us to learn.. probably not going to hear about. But that Enlightenment that brought Kant and Newton also brought us the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

It is still our world and we can take back control fairly easily, by using our minds and our skills. Not be being bullied into believing a mantra.. but by knowing enough about a lot of different things. They fought up those cliffs 75 years ago to keep oppression and fascism away from our shores. Don’t let those things come to our shores through complacency.

Be Good Play Nice Think God !

One of my favorite Shows was the World at War from back in the 1970;s Here is a link to the episode on the D-Day invasion