Reflection on 2nd Sunday in Lent Transfiguration of Jesus

Luke 9:28-36

Today’s Gospel is Luke’s version of the Transfiguration. One ting that always puzzled me was the curious line ‘

“Master, it is good that we are here;
let us make three tents,
one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
But he did not know what he was saying.

Luke 9:33

But he did not know what he was saying?? I think most of us can imagine that we would say pretty much the same thing. From a human experience.. what could possibly be greater than the appearance of God and a couple of his saints representing the Law and the prophets?

Be amazed at what you see !

I have the amazing position to see ordinary bread and wine turn into the body blood soul and divinity of Jesus Christ at each Mass I am less than 3 feet away from this amazing miracle. This is a humble God. He showed himself to Peter, John and and that is good enough for me.

If I were to see this though… my whole self would be just like Peter.. stammering, flabbergasted, not sure what I am seeing and I would want to be a part of that particular singularity for all time. However, that isn’t my vocation is it? It wasn’t Peters vocation either? It is very scary when I realize that Peter and I actually have the same vocation. Preach the word of God to all the corners of the Earth.

Listen to God

So what if I am up on the mountain in “the tent” worshiping God? That is good for a while. But not the totality right now of what God is calling me to. But notice too, Peter didn’t stop with just a tent to worship God. Moses and Elijah as well. uh oh… Can’t worship Moses and Elijah can we? There is a reason the other readings are read along with this. We have to be reminded in our first reading about the original covenant between Abram and God.

And just to be sure The reading from Paul’s letter to the Philippians as another prodding to remember who our God actually is. Okay it will probably take no more to say okay Moses and Elijah don’t get a tent.. but Could Peter have been okay if he just stopped with a tent for Jesus? Who knows.. that is not what the story is showing but after the resurrection Peter did build tents for God in that he established the Churches in Rome and in Asia Minor. But between the time of the transfiguration and the Resurrection of Jesus there was other work Peter was deigned to do.

So Peter, James and John were not to stay up on the mountaintop and continually witness the Transfiguration… they were to serve the Lord and learn and become ready for their apostolates. Had they stayed on the mountain, who would give us the recounting of the Transfiguration? Think of all the things that are still to be learned by all of them. Plus I think we have all had that mountaintop type of experience. We really enjoyed that particular feeling and experience we had.. but we recognize we couldn’t have just stopped there. .

Cornerstones of Life

So we keep those memories and the feelings and keep them as a cornerstone of our lives that teach us so very much. But we don’t build a tent for those feelings and those experiences. As they are gifts from God…. not God himself. Most important to remember this. So lets continue our learning and take those mountaintop memories and consider what God is actually calling us to do with them. If we listen to Him we can never go wrong.

Be good Play nice Think God !

To find today’s readings please follow this link to the USCCB’s site of daily readings

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  1. Pingback: The Lessons continue in the 2nd Week of Lent | New Testament

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