Onward towards Laetare

We started this week with the Woman at the well. Oh my the faith that we are seeing this week,  in the span of a few verses she not only has a conversion she is out evangelizing. That is the purpose we each have.  We are asked to remove our guilt and move forward in our Love of Jesus. We see here even in Jesus’ days here on Earth there was much pain. The human condition has not changed much. We have fancier ways of doing things.. but before knowing Jesus she was focused on herself. But Jesus explains to her the reality, the truth. She hears, she believes, she tells others some believe immediately, some believe by hearing the words themselves.. But they believe. And they begin to spread the good news. Rejoice Rejoice

Annuciation Monday

The Annunciation was celebrated during this week on Monday. Some may question why it is here on March 25th. Well science is somewhat behind it. Even back in the early days of the Church, they recognized that life begins at conception. They knew that the gestation period of a baby was 9 months. We celebrate Christmas (The birth of Jesus) on December 25th. Jesus was Divine of course, but he was also human in everything, except sin. Therefore December 25th less 9 months is March 25th.

This amazes some people. We tend to think we have all the answers and our predecessors had no answers. Yes they understood something 2000 that politicians and those with political agendas refuse to understand. We celebrate life from the moment of conception., Anything else decrees that life as being less than human. Jesus created himself… There was a point when Jesus was a one celled human being, whose cells began splitting. According to some He was less than human. Oh man do they have it wrong

7 x 70 times

Forgiveness.. if there was something we generally do poorly this is it. Jesus wants us to always forgive. He offers His help. but when we have been mocked, made a food of, treated poorly, hurt in some way.. We are to forgive. There is an old axiom that says forgive and forget… well B.S.! You are not going to forget particularly if the hurt comes every day, every hour, every second. There is no teaching that one should be constantly hurt physically, mentally etc and stick around and continue to take it. If you are a victim of abuse.. call 211 for information.. if you are in immediate danger call 911.

Yet over time we are all obligated to forgive the hurts that are the result of others. somethings take time other things take no time at all. if your brother loses your trading card no matter the value no matter the price the worst thing you can do is to hold onto that anger.. it hurts you now and will hurt in the next life. Remember to build up treasure in heaven.

I have come to fulfill

A very short passage today, but one that is so very powerful. Jesus declares he is there to fulfill the law. This is a definite call to everyone that He is indeed the promised Messiah. His essence is the first 10 of the 613 commandments in Torah, but his actions fulfill the other 603.. We no longer need the dietary laws because we have the model to follow. It is not which you put in your mouth but which comes out of your heart. So not a single part of the law has changed but we have the perfect example of the law and that is the Word itself !

The Demons listen to him?

If there are questions as to the authority of Jesus, it is answered today.They try to claim that evil is casting out evil.. but that cannot be. the demons come out not because of some magical formula which the rabbis of old tried to exorcise demons with.. but the demons came out simply because the Creator of the Universe has authority over all things it had created.

We have to bounce back to the creation story, when God created the world it was in a void or a nothingness… which means at one point there were no angels, no nothing. we read in Revelations that 1/3 of the angels revolted and became the demons, Revolted or not they have no choice but to listen to the one who created them in the frrst place. If the angels and demons must listen, why do we continue to try to go it on our own?


Today we see that someone wants to know the greatest of the Commandments. Who but God could answer the question? It is His law. so no one else has the authority to answer. And He answers. He gently points out that the answer to this is in Scripture. We note that the one asking has understanding yet Jesus says too, you are not far… There is more to following Him than just the Bible. Wisdom and knowledge play a part. We have so much hope in these words. Matthew 5 asks for our perfection. This passage tells us not only is that possible, but is very possible.

Which are you?

The tax collector and the Pharisee. What a great news parable. We don’t have to be high up on the ladder of life to get it. That was the viewpoint at times.. it is becoming prevalent again these days again. The Prosperity Gospel being preached by some.. the politicians trying to warp your thoughts and God’s truth with lies and deceptions. Listen to the words used by each of the characters here in the parable. One pretentious the other humble. Look towards Psalm 51 if you are unsure of what contrition is all about.

Be good Play nice Think God !

This weeks readings can all be found at the USCCB Site below: