Monday of Holy Week

Good Morning it is Monday of Holy Week!! Amazing that this week is here. The readings for today are Isiah 42; Psalm 27; and our Gospel is John 12.  The next few days, our Gospel readings focus on the betrayal of Jesus.  Today we get a glimpse of where Judas’ true heart is looking at. Instead of being intent on the anointing of Jesus and honoring him as the Messiah… Judas is focused on the moneybag.

Our view might be blocked

This unfortunately is a common problem. Money of some other possessions getting in the way of our view of the Lord. And the Lord is the one, actually the only one we should be trying to view. No Hollywood or New York star is greater no politician greater. There is Jesus our Lord and Savior.

While Judas is worrying about money… we see the chief priests of the Temple trying to protect their own jobs and routine. They are plotting to kill Lazarus as well as Jesus. Why because Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead!  I am not sure how much bigger of a sign they could have had… the logic is so snarled… We have to kill Lazarus because he was raised from the dead by Jesus!   I am not sure, but if I saw someone who was dead (And know for certain they were actually deceased) and someone brought him back to life?!?!!?  It seems that  something greater than me is happening.  Sin can twist the brain into doing its will.  I know that so well… As I do those things which I do not want to do.  It is incredible the hold sin has on us.  We can be doing a great evil and actually think we are doing good!

Look at the Lord working

I have to say I have been seeing so much good out there recently! The Lord is working in all of us.  Over in Elburn, just west of St Charles…the Pastor over at  St. Gall Fr. Christopher DiTomo and Seminarian Jeff yesterday walked the town and the surrounding areas with the Blessed Sacrament. Walking throughout the town with the monstrance and Jesus himself.   Tears came to my eyes as I watched Our Lord be processed through the streets of Elburn and the Residents coming out, kneeling and prostrating themselves as The Lord was carried by.  Father Blessed every one He saw and it was in total about a 3 Hour procession. There are some unbelievably fantastic priests in the Diocese of Rockford.  And I am sure these things are going on throughout the United States.

Their focus is on the correct place. Jesus… not money, not pride, not themselves. Their sole purposes is to bring the Lord Jesus Christ into our hearts and minds and even our souls. 

As I mentioned yesterday the Seeing Our Savior program here at Saint Patrick’s was also very well attended and the blessings were had by all, including the priests themselves.

Today’s Psalm

It is so appropriate that our Psalm this morning is “The Lord is my light and my Salvation!” What more appropriate words can we exclaim in jubilation than these. The Lord has our backs.

The final line which we say or sing today is

Wait for the Lord with courage, be stouthearted and wait for the Lord.

That is what I saw yesterday… parishioners and people of the world waiting stouthearted for Our Lord… Focused in the right direction with the right thinking. Praise be our Lord Jesus Christ

Be good Play Nice Think God !