A Sanctuary begins

For three years we have had a cloud over us. Our own Mental Health being challenged. We are not meant to always be alone, everyone 6 feet apart. This separation as well as the constant drone of medical news pushing us places we never dreamt about. That was then.

Now we need a chance to restart our own lives. But after three years we forgot what our lives were, what we were doing. That is okay, because we are all generally in that same boat.

Mental Health Information

October 3rd begins a journey to understanding our own and other’s health. Our minds immediately head toward illness, but there is much more to learn. Sure there is the physical side to any illness, but what about the Social dimension?

What is Sanctuary?

The Sanctuary Course for Catholics looks at all angles of specifically Mental Health and applies 2000 years of learning for a Psychological, Sociological, and Theological approach to Mental Health. But most importantly it brings with it a lived experience of people who handle their mental health each and every day.

The main goal of this course is not to make health professionals out of us, but to start the conversation and to raise awareness of all the challenges out there. By raising awareness we can take away the stigmas, exhaustion and withdrawal that many people feel relating to these issues. And that is many of us. According to statistics, one in five American’s live with Mental Health conditions.

Through the words of psychologists, social workers, clergy and individuals living with mental health challenges, the Sanctuary Course was created to inspire and equip communities of Faith. It asks this important question…

How can a church become a sanctuary? How can Saint Patrick become a Santuary? Join us beginning October 3rd at Saint Patrick Parish. Signing up is easy. https://stpatrickstcharles.typeform.com/to/JZHCbf8n