Let’s Bring Back Christianity Part 2

This is part 2 of my thoughts and reflections on our current day. I hope you read Part 1 and I guess if it makes you a bit uncomfortable, that just might be good. Christian Unity is something that can be achieved and is also good. Let me start by bringing together thoughts on what things are needed for bringing back Christianity to what it once was here in the United States.   Some of these things have been forgotten which is leading the charge towards disunity. There is a central being, which we call God.  God made the world God gave us everything that we have.

I understand there are some very real differences in thought on how the world was made. The Christian viewpoint should not be trying to prove 7 days or 200 billion years. I will provide a link Here to read the World was created by God. https://deacondavestowell.com/questions-answers/

Gifts from God

As mentioned before a Christian viewpoint admits that God gave us everything. Nothing that we have is really ours.  Everything that we have we are to take care of. God made it. It is His, we are taking care of it. God gave you the talents that you used to help develop everything that you do that is good. Your job, your family, your life.   He gave you your house, your car, your $20 bill in your pocket and He asks that we use all of these gifts with caring and concern for all others. 

That is the main point of the creation stories. Not that it took 7 days, but that God made a Covenant between us and Him.  God made everything for His creation, which includes each of us. And He wants us to share in His life.   This is why God gave us the ability to be with Him. Before Moses we worshiped God wherever we were. But as we went various ways, Pantheism, Cultic Practices, Ethnic practices, Planetary worship, etc.  He wanted to show us His love. He gave us at first a tent, then the Temple and now the Church

Best Practices

Because the Church stands for only the best things it demands that only the best practices be used. You know, use the teachings of Jesus and one can find justice.  So no, you do not destroy something that belongs to God.  One looks to God for direction and progress. God made each of us, he gave us a way to live, and he wants us all to prosper. By prosper I mean have joy-filled lives.  Money is nice, but doesn’t bring too much joy. Temporary happiness perhaps, but not joy.  A joy filled life can really only be found by looking toward God.  The great news is that by hearing what the Church actually says, brings us right to the heart of His son Jesus.

The most amazing thing to think about is that Jesus is God. We can go into how we know this later, but my point right now is that As far as I know all Christians believe that Jesus is was and will ever be God. And the fact that Jesus came down to Earth to be with his own creation is an amazing thing.  Jesus Christ is not just a man who came to teach another set of rules, but is God Himself who came to bring love. And true love for each of us.


Jesus Christ lived here on Earth. He knows the worst that can be done by man and by nature. Jesus probably fell and skinned His knee as a child, he was taught how to build, he was rejected by his own kin and townsfolk. He took the time for the good of man and woman to clarify what he meant when He gave us the Law. God gave us these laws because without them, we would lie, cheat, steal, rape, kill etc. for some “thing” we want.  He knew that we would always just fall back on our passions or “feelings”.

Feelings though cannot be trusted.  I may feel like pretending I am a operatic singer… but I pity the person hearing it. The reality is that while I may hit a few notes here and there, I don’t have the training, the vocal chords or the gift from God to be an Opera singer. So why should I continue in this fantasy? To make me “feel” good? I guarantee I will not “feel” that way.. and I will hurt your ear drums!


Basing things on “feelings alone is very dangerous.  We feel pride, avarice, lust, etc. We feel love, compassion, peace.   But when does love turn to lust or when does peace turn to apathy?  We see in a big way that feelings have taken over for any type of common sense.  This has caused huge confusion and disunity in the world.  Jesus is the

“way and the truth and the life

Gospel of John Chapter 14 Verse 6

Note he doesn’t feel the way or feel the truth.. but He IS. Jesus knows, that by following just feelings that we would ignore the realities of life and begin to feel what we prefer or what we might fantasize about.


We are being fed lies from ourselves. I don’t feel happy…. We can’t have that… if someone is not happy they might feel that the world isn’t perfect. We have to control the situation; we will give them an award so that they feel happy…. We will distract them constantly by having them play a sport all day long, even if it means they can’t learn something useful.  How far will this go?   As far as a warped mind can take it.

The person not “feeling happy” recognizes that the award means nothing. We are all searching for happiness. There has been nothing done to earn this reward… so they keep searching for happiness.   Because it is important to this world that everyone must be happy at all times.  If you aren’t happy it must be you… something about you is wrong.  And those same people that have been screwing with mankind for eons come back and suggest…. Maybe it’s the color of your hair.  The young person thinks about it and one day things to himself… if I change the color of my hair I will be happy…. Maybe the color of your eyes… the color of your skin… and now we have progressed so far…  We have become so focused on our own happiness that science, logic and any thought of anyone else has been eliminated. Maybe you’re a girl… or an it ! Something will make you “feel” happy…


Maybe instead of creating a whole culture of narcissistic children focused only on themselves, we could focus on the Bible. You know that library of 73 books that is sitting so dusty on the shelf.   That one that says,

“Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.

Gospel of Matthew Chapter 18 Verses 3 – 5

Humility that complete opposite of what we are producing. The one that says… well I have some flaws, some are great some are minor, I can work to control that, but what is most important is that all around me are taken care of and they have the things that are needed. Food, shelter, clothing.

Center of Attention

This is the truth that is taught by the Catholic Church. But the spoiled children like being the center of attention. They are the only ones that matter… so being petulant… they begin by calling names. You’re a hater…. When that doesn’t work since no one can see any hate, they begin getting more upset and have a tantrum… “you don’t love me… your homo, zeno, mater, pater …. phobic “ah here is something the media can pick up on. And they sucker more people into this game of feelings.

Of course they then minimize any thoughts of Jesus.  The enemy wants Jesus becomes a caricature of feeling good. Jesus is always a smiling happy guru…. I wonder what the money-changers thought of that? These “feeling fools” forget that Jesus did not come to bring unity, but to bring division.  To actually ask people to think about their lives and what is best for not the individual, but for the entire world. He is not interested in feelings, but in true love.  That is the point, truth.  Feelings or our passions distract us from what we need to focus on.  Our focus is on Christ.

Our next Part

In our next part we will try to look at the relationship God wants to have with us. I hope that you are beginning to see that there are not any crazy things being taught. In order for us to join together and work toward the same goals, we have to know what others are actually thinking. The ideas put forth here are universal and hopefully can knock down some walls that will allow every christian to work together to bring the Love of God back to this culture. We have gone for too long letting our enemy have its way. Let us look upon truth as something that will unify us and stop quite a number of things that are simply nonsense.