God Coming to Meet Man

So we talked the last couple of days regarding our relationship with God. How to speak with him and  all of the ways in which we can know about God.. through the beauty of the world and of the entire universe.

There is also prayer and we do quite a bit of that. A bit later on we can get into the types of prayer and ways in which we either petition God or Thank him or simply worship God.  These will be some great discussions but for ow we should talk about the ways in which God comes to meet man.

He comes to meet us

It seems amazing but so very appropriate for Holy Thursday.  We can of course think of Jesus Christ when it comes to God meeting man and that is or should be the pinnacle way in which we think of God and mankind together.   But we can also think of other times. Perhaps Abram and God speaking in the land that would eventually become Israel.  Also of course Moses and the burning bush. 

But note here how God shields himself from mankind.  We hear in Torah of Moses having to veil his own face because his face was radiating the brightness of God. Moses actually asks to see God as He is ad God had to refuse because He is the unapproachable light as is mentioned in Paul’s 1st letter to Timothy.

It is incredible to think about the God who would bring Himself down to our own level and reveal anything. But He indeed reveals as the Catechism calls it, his plan of Loving goodness”

His plan over time

Now of course He doesn’t do this all at once.  But it is over a period of time that he reveals more and more of his plan.  One would get blown away by the plan even after so much time we can still look back and not completely get how much love is involved in all of this.  SO He revealed the plan over a long period of time. And the way he seems to have done this is with something called a Covenant.

There are some great videos out there on what a covenant is so go ahead and look for some of these. Perhaps someone like Scott Hahn, Jeff Cavins’  or  Timothy Gray.  Just amazing theologians.  But putting in kinda simply it is a promise between two people one being far superior to the other. The weaker one if found breaking the rules pays a huge price.

The Covenants with mankind

So there have been numerous covenants between God and mankind.. each time the stakes get a bit bigger.

First there is the Covenant with Adam.. obviously this is between just the two of them, God always being vastly superior to mankind. 

[ ]Wishing to open up the wayto heavenly salvation, he manifested himself to our parents from the very beginning. God offered Adam intimate communion with god and clothed them in resplendant grace and justice” 

Dei Verbum 3

That came from a letter called Dei Verbum or Word of God. This letter was written during the Vatican II council and reiterated beliefs and thoughts that has always been taught by the Church. Using a bit more current language.  This letter is a fascinating read if you happen to like that kind of reading. You can find it online very easily. 

The stakes keep getting bigger

So we all know that Adam and Eve broke their covenant with God and brought about Original Sin.  God, though gave all of us another chance.. And He constantly does this with the people because he loves us and quite honestly a great many love him back.

If we look back to the story of the destruction of Sodom. Abraham intercedes with God for the innocent.  Suppose God there are fifty innocent people will you spare the city?  So the innocent are spared wrath by God.   That obviously does not mean nothing bad happens// we still have the effects of that original sin around. Again though another topic for another day.

As I mentioned there have been many covenants and each one builds upon the previous.   The covenant with Adam was with one man… the covenant with Noah was with a family The Covenant with Abraham was with a tribe and its people.. the covenant with Israel was a nation, And the final covenant as the end of Public Revelation was with Jesus Christ whose covenant was with the entire world.

Public and Private Revelation

On this night when we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist, the Priesthood and look at Jesus last days before the Crucifixion.. We should be looking to just how each if us have been doing with our end of the covenant.

Each day we re-invent ourselves to  bring ourselves closer to this Revelation. Now that all has been revealed by God there won’t be any more public revelation.  There may be private revelation and anyone can accept or not accept any private revelation.  If the Church approves a certain private revelation it has been shown to have no bad effects upon the faith.

Examples of these are the various apparitions of Mary or of Jesus himself.  Things like Fatima, Lourdes and even the Rosary fall into Private Revelation and need not be practiced if one is not brought closer to God using it… These are all though very virtuous practices full of piety and can certainly allow ones faith to grow immensely. So don’t write them off. Most people will find these quite  humbling and quite holy.

A great day for each of us

The public revelations which have come to be known are all God speaking to us and bringing His divine plan into its fullness. It reached its zenith in the Death Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven by Jesus Christ. And we will be celebrating his death on the Cross on Friday and His Resurrection on Sunday.

He has Risen… Truly he has risen as our Eastern Orthodox brothers and Sisters say. And we hope to say it with them for all eternity.

Be good Play nice think Good!!!

For more information please see the Catechism of the Catholic Church Paragraphs 36 through 73