Genesis – Creation Part III

To read parts one click here For part 2 here:

Continued Truths

Well one notices that nowhere along the line do we need to believe in a certain amount of days or that the birds came before or after the things that “Crawled on the ground”. Of course I do find it so interesting that they found that the bird is the one that most resembles dinosaurs, and if that is the case the order given in the Creation story is correct.  But I digress. It is the idea that God made these things happen that is the main point.  Now how it was done or how long it took. That is not mentioned in Scripture. It is not a History Book.. But a Living Book or our relationship between God and each of us.

If we go back to looking at the Bible the way it was meant for us to look at our priorities stay fairly true

Let us Take a Look Back

Well, if Science and Religion come together with our first two truths, working together… it really applies to our next couple of truths.  Now the next truth is definitely under attack during today’s insanity which seems to be creeping ever so quickly across the culture. Lets look at a few obvious sources

It appears that many Christians got very confused in the 1960’s.  So many things happening culturally and so many speakers. singers, preachers we extolling an amazing amount of false dialogue, It is a shame that many did not take a few moments to listen to what they were actually saying. No one was immune to this seemingly.   But many were actually trying to do the proper thing. Defending God, Country and morality in general.  For those who were not around, or for others who want to re-look at those cultural shifts again

Back to the future

It appears that many Christians got very confused in the 1960’s.  So many things happening culturally and so many speakers. singers, preachers we extolling an amazing amount of false dialogue, It is a shame that many did not take a few moments to listen to what they were actually saying. No one was immune to this seemingly.   But many were actually trying to do the proper thing. Defending God, Country and morality in general.  For those who were not around, or for others who want to relook at those cultural shifts again

At the beginning of 1964 The Beatles were singing “I love you (yeah yeah yeah)”. By the end of 1968 they were singing Revolution. At the beginning Bob Dylan was playing acoustic Guitar, by 1968 he was playing electric guitar.   Now these are not at first glance great changes… but think of the messages.  What once was is now gone.   That Mass that always was is now gone. (Well nothing actually said this.. but the “great thinkers” made it so) That Peace that we had is now gone. That president we elected is now gone. That Pastor which spoke for civil rights. He also shot.  We are now seeing correspondents in Vietnam and the reality that War is Hell and Hey regardless what our parents and grandparents said Free love is the wave of the future.  Al those in their early 20s starting a family were being blasted left and right and seeing everything they grew up with seemingly destroyed. And there was no answer because no one equipped them for an answer.

What a confusing time

Those who were probably questioning the same things that every 20 year old questions was having all of these things plastered through their lives and they were getting no answers (at least ones that made any sense). As usual the politicians were reacting to something 20 years earlier, and trying to win elections. All of the churches even earlier and the young rabble-rousers speaking about that time. So much was being changed at one particular point in time the average mom and dad had no clue what of the things they had been brought up with were good and which were bad. 

Well come 50 years later we have a pretty good idea. But the people who went through all of this, they still are afraid to get off the fence. The great defense of “I personally believe this, but I wouldn’t want to force my ideas on anyone” was born.  And what a bunch of hooey! I see that train coming down the tracks which you are standing on. But I don’t want to impose my truth upon you, so I won’t say anything.  What a horrible way to die. Not only being hit by a train, but being destroyed by the inaction of another. Boy that is certainly the antithesis of Jesus command.

This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.You are my friends if you do what I command you.

John 15:13-15

Stand up and proclaim your ideas and more importantly those things which are truth proclaim them louder!  Think of this… How many are in Hell because no one acted and said what you are doing is going to hurt you and hurt you bad

Everyone agrees

When we take the Bible out of the moral principality we end up with chaos again.  So for our third great truth we have one that certainly is confusing people as of late. Are the rabble rousers in charge again? Have we not learned our lessons from the 1960’s and early 1970’s?  It is a truth that scientifically cannot be denied though people apparently need something to make them feel special. But this truth is simply:

God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them

Yes, I said it. (well actually God said it) There are only two types of people. They are separated by their gender and there is only 2. Male and female.  Those with an XX chromosome and those with an XY Chromosome.  I will not entertain the variety of anomalies any more than those who are blind, deaf or born with one arm or leg. And it does not change. No matter what you pretend or fantasize… one is either male or female.

Again I acknowledge anomalies, but those are extremely few and far between. And from what I have read even the hermaphrodite has a specific genetic quality that makes them either male or female. And yes there are instances of karyotypes with both XX and XY.   But this is an amazingly small group of people. 

Even Science is being Attacked

For the others, I am flabbergasted by those “intelligencia” who manufacture people’s minds into believing anything other than obvious truth.  We all want to escape the idea that there is truth and there is order. We look at the most superficial of detail and determine that This is better or worse than that. And we feel bad about ourselves and in a spoiled fit of tantrum we want to be recognized as special.  Sorry nothing too special here. Remove self-love and narcissism and reality comes back.

But what is it we are doing to our children?  It is like a large overgrown science experiment. I remember when my brother was growing up this would have been in the middle of the 1980’s.  The school system decided it would take to a new concept of “phonics” The idea was that at first you spelled the words anyway that you wanted and eventually the rules of English would be learned.  Not sure how they would be learned since they were not taught… but alas he along with all the other students in that school district cannot spell very well at all.  It was a “new” way of teaching brought to us by the “intelligencia” again.

What are they doing?

I don’t know, perhaps these idea makers are really trying to help, but I was taught very close to the way my grandparents were taught. And I can read, write, do math, have individual ideas, but stay within orthodoxy because it is real.  Sure little educational adventures came along but the basics were covered. 40 years later the government run educational system has put each and every student on a pedestal that even those who do nothing are acclaimed as good. There is now nothing to learn because they are so good. It doesn’t take too long for a person to put someone taught in the public schools next to someone in the private school system to verify the private system is doing education, while the public school is confusing.   Not what I want from the tax dollars I am being forced to pay.

God gave each of us a specific gender, male or female to be used for the good of all. But our current culture has turned this to the experiment with our future.  Science and Religion again join together to say Reality is that one is a man or a woman. This is not something to be fooled with.  This psychological allurement into fantasy cannot end well and more than the Utopian visions that were promised by LSD and Heroin.  While the physical damage done by the drugs of the 1960’s caused much physical damage, the fantasies lived out today will cause much more serious mental and psychological issues when as it always will, the Truth is recognized. 

Recycling old ideas

Our government run schools are forcing these mentalities into life. The “communists” of the 1950’s (yes, they were as real as you and I are) have turned to our educators in the 2020’s to destroy Christianity.  Our culture and those that influence our culture have moved to a new level of sadistic trials to use on our kids. This is so diabolical  no human being can be responsible. Only this leads to another Truth given by the Genesis story. While our original parents  were living in a state of peace and sinlessness, the Devil  instigated these two into sin and they fell from their innocence.  This disobedience to God has grown and is seen today in the oppressiveness of the culture who wants to see God eliminated and Every talk of His saving Grace ridiculed and pushed to the side. There is a Devil, He is very very real. How we were to live and what happened  brings us to part 4. Believe it or not we have gone through one and a half chapters  and how we got to where we are is most fascinating

Onto our next discussion

But the reality is that these few words give us two truths that are very important. First we are made male and female. This is how we procreate and at the same time we grow very deep in our relationships. How can we develop friendships, new ideas, and we can create now technology as well as new generations. We are made in God’s image and likeness. Does that mean we look like God? I have no idea what God actually looks like. We do though share in these creative and developmental thoughts. We can like people, we can dislike other people we can collaborate, we can take ideas and transform them into physical things. That is an amazing amount of things in common with God. Though we must remember ( And this is truly behiond most of our problems) We forget the proper orer.. God, then us….. usually we put ourselves first and cause all sorts of trouble. But we will get more into this truth in our next part. Remember We are made male or female… God didn’t make any other choices.. anything else is fantasy and made by man.