
Our Monthly Newsletters (Sign up Below!)

Each month our team put together a newsletter which keeps you up to date with the latest science, technology and theological insights.  Our mental health section follows along the Sanctuary Course  plan, b\y looking at our mind, body and soul. Each of these are critical when looking at our Mental Health.  Looking at our mental health also brings in our body’s own health.

In addition we also look at the ways in which we can help others in the Saint Patrick parish area. We can model Jesus using Matthew 25:40  and  work to be sure that  the hungry are fed, the thirsty are given drink etc.

And we should never forget those works of mercy we all learned. We seldom see these actions of mercy, but when we join in we see just how large a network can be formed by each of us giving a little time and effort.

Sign up for the Newsletter, by clicking the button, adding your name and email address.  Giving us a way to share Christ and his Service to all of humanity