Feast of the Holy Family

Readings for Feast of the Holy Family 12-29-2019 http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/122919.cfm

The work that we see being done by Joseph and Mary today are incredible.  As you all know it takes quite a bit of effort to keep a family going.  But we have to see the overarching theme that is highlighted by the “infancy narratives” Sounds so fancy when we talk this way!

Not so difficult to relate

But the overriding theme that each of us can look at this and recognize… Okay we have a Sinless son… a sinless Mother… the Adopted father has to be pretty good too. But even with all that going for the family… we recognize that this union has two rings to it.

Of course the engagement and wedding ring that have been talked about over the years probably too many times.  But there is the other “ring” which we see Joseph and Mary go through…. Their Suffer ring.

They had to pick up everything they had and move to a foreign land… why? Because their king wanted to murder their child.  That generally isn’t the type of suffering we have to deal with… but it makes the point if the Holy Family had to suffer great pains mentally, physically and emotionally… we aren’t going to go through life any better.

Our Sufferings lead to our Blessings

Today we go back in our minds and think about all of those things that caused us pain… now I don’t want you to dwell on that for too long. Because we all go through it and suffering is a part of life. It is a result of someone’s sin… in the case of the Holy Family a king full of virtually every one of the 7 deadly sins… wants to murder their child. That is a lot of sin exposed for all to see… forever.

But so many turn around and make another suffer… is this what the Holy Family did?   Did they raise an army and destroy King Herod? No they simply looked to God for direction. When Herod had died. God let them know it was time to go back.  But when another “obstacle” in the form of Archelaus (Herod the Great’s son) the scene was set for them to move to their final home in Nazareth.

Listen to God

No bloodbath, no war, no angry words even… they listed to God and went to Nazareth. Jesus would grow up there in relative peace. surrounded by the family who took their sufferings and held them in their hearts praying over them and seeing what they meant. This is how I expect most of you now react to suffering. Not trying to fight back and   try to destroy sin with sin… That is something we do in our twenties.

But we reach out to our God and pray for direction and we pray for his will be done. In His will we find peace and joy. Just as the Holy family did.

Be Good Play Nice Think God !