
These theological reflections show my thoughts and teaching on a general idea and reflect those cocepts

Ways of Knowing God

Good morning all! Yesterday we talked a bit about mankind and some of the ways we can get to know about God. We have to recognize a bit about ourselves to allow some good prayer and talking both ways. So today I will talk a bit about the Ways of knowing God. Living in a

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Let us look at the Creed

As we continue on in Holy week I thought I would talk a few minutes about the Christian’s procession of Faith.  I believe most denominations recite either the Apostles Creed or the Nicene Creed. Both of these creeds go far back in history and describe what it is we believe as Christians. But what actually

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1st year as a Deacon

Today is a very special day for me. It is the Feast of the Archangels. It is also the anniversary of my ordination as a Deacon. So I wish to give congratulations with the 13 others that were ordained last year along with the 4 others who began our journey together in 2013. Including Ministry

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