
homilies pertaining to a specific week

Justice & Mercy

Readings for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/102019.cfm Okay I guess I can give some advice to you all… If you ever have a chance to say yes or no to a judge like this… Say no… It just is not worth it. If aa man says that he does not fear God He […]

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John the Baptist

You can read today’s readings right here http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/080319.cfm Saturday 17th week in Ordinary Time Throughout this week we have heard many parables about the Kingdom of God and Heaven. Parables that related to pretty much each type of profession and livelihood Farming, Fishing, Commerce parables which like today speak to the people of the time

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Homily 5th Saturday of Lent

5th Saturday in Lent                                                              04/13/2019 Introduction So today both the Old Testament reading as well as the Gospel speak of the in-gathering of the dispersed children of God. After the various exiles and invasions, the people of Israel were actually spread throughout the world In Ezekiel God proclaims that he will take the children of

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Beginning and Ending

Saturday 7th Week in Ordinary Time So you might notice that as we go through our readings this week they begin taking a darker tone, but they are also filled with practical teachings.   The wisdom of Sirach, we almost get a recount of the Genesis story we heard a few weeks ago. The implications of

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