Advent Minute 12-05-2023

Blessed is the eyes that see what you see. What a beautiful message of love.  Jesus loves his disciples (and us) so much he explains to them everything.  The problem is that fallen humanity wants to hear what it wants to hear. We an pull out passages from the Bible and claim they say what we want.

Jesus though does not allow our small petty ways to interfere with God’s plan.  He is the promised Messiah coming from the stump of Jesse. The prophesy of Isaiah of the effects of the Messiah are immense. It is often misquoted that the lion sit with the lamb, but either way the character of peace and tranquility is envisioned

If we do as Jesus shows us and enjoy being in God’s presence. Our joy will be complete. We truly need to see God as He shows us and not how we want him to be. Behold, our Lord shall come with power; he will enlighten the eyes of his servants.

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