Advent Minute

As we enter into Advent once again, we might be wondering about many of the readings from the next few weeks will be from the prophets in the Old Testament. They are very difficult at times to read as they are talking to Temple leaders and kings from almost 3000 years ago

We should not be lulled into that thought process though.  The reason that the Prophets speak harshly is because the leaders were NOT following the ways of God. We should be looking a bit more closely about what they are saying… not because the leaders from 3000 years ago made errors… but that we tend to make the same mistakes today.

The Old Testament says that we should love Go with all of our heart, mind and soul and to love our neighbors as ourselves. How well are we doing that by instigating arguments, slapping their ideas down summarily without giving a logical response.  We are stuck in a world of politics and intrigue. IF you support XYZ you are repulsive, if you think this way you are wrong and you can go elsewhere. There is no dialogue.

But yet Isaiah says today Come let us climb the Lord’s mountain and He may instruct us in His ways… But not so God can bully us, but that we may turn our weapons or war into productive actions, so that we can learn how to love our neighbor as ourselves.  The leaders of today, like the leaders then look to solve their issues by using their people to master and dominate… God brings love to His people.