4 weeks down and counting

It is amazing to think that we are almost completed with the first 4 weeks of Lent. I hope it has been going well for you. Hopefully you have been able to stick with the commitment you made to expand your spiritual life over these few weeks. If not it certainly is not to late. If you tried and have been found wanting.. try again, maybe that was not the particular act of piety God wanted you to use to help. Pray and talk it over with him. I am sure He has a great one for you!

So we started the week with the Story of the Prodigal Son. Oh the depths that one can go into that parable. We know the Father is God, the home reflects Heaven. We can easily place ourselves into the younger or older son position We have all be envious and snarky.. we have all been out in the pigpen so to speak.

The man believed in what Jesus said…

Trust is the theme for the man whose son is ill. The man believed what Jesus said.. but his trust or his faith saved the boy. But we notice too that we are back in Cana, where the water was changed into wine.He was welcomed back in Galilee. They spoke of his mighty deed he did in Jerusalem. So in comes the figure of a royal official, whose faith in Jesus was quite great. This idea is hit upon again and again. Trust Jesus… The message continues to this very day, Jesus… I trust in you.

The Pool of Bethesda

Monday we switched on over to John;s Gospel and this week as usual we are in Chapter 5. We have the healing of the man by the pool of Bethesda. There are many interesting parts here.. 5 portico’s? Sheep gate?. Why would no one help the man? what was the idea of the pool itself? Why did it heal? Again Jesus healed on the Sabbath This has great import to John’s Gospel, why? And at the end, “do not sin any more, so that nothing worse happens to you” What could be worse than being stuck on a mat all day every day?

The will of the one who sent me

Wednesday, Jesus is speaking very clearly that he is indeed God. So much more than anyone would be expecting of the Messiah. At the same time Jesus is also saying Yes I am God, but to go through what I must go through, I am suppressing my Divinity. I can thus experience what humanity experiences, yet am fully Divine as well. This is extremely important to the theology of Christianity. Jesus is saying these specific things for a specific purpose.

It is so important that it covers two whole days of readings. Our first readings come from Isaiah but on the second day we are reminded of how the people rebelled against Moses and against God. we ask the question why would God say such a thing? Would He ahve destroyed what was there? No.. but Moses needed to learn how to lead a group of stiff-necked people… He got them to the Jordan so he must have learned well

But no one laid a hand on him…

Our first reading on Friday moves into the book of Wisdom. The evil ones speaking”Let us beset the just one, because he is obnoxious to us” Incredible the thoughts that go through men’s hearts. We have all had thoughts such as these… someone has just hurt us and this is how we feel when we are upset. But the differences comes in that we are able to say in humility I can learn something new and it makes me better… not bitter. Jesus recognizes that He will be killed in the end, but also knows the after. Men think as men do.. God thinks as God does.

Invincible Ignorance.. a tough nut to crack

The crowds and the guards have received the message. Jesus is the Messiah yet preconceptions are very hard to break. The officials claim to know the “law” better than the author of the Law itself. Thee is tension between the officials. It should be noted that Nicodemus, a Pharisee stand up to speak reason, but is shut down. Nicodemus had met with Jesus and understood what His preaching actually meant and what was actually righteous.

This weekend we will be reading the Woman caught in adultery. We are learning more and more We must be listening with our ears and hearts open. Jesus is speaking to us and we don’t want to miss a word He is speaking. Soon He will not be here with us, but will be with us always. Keep working on those spiritual gifts that are being brought to you daily. Wisdom, Understanding. THe Old Testament readings are getting very exciting as well. The cloud is parting and the Messiah is coming to life thee as well.

Enjoy this next week Be good, Play nice Think God !

Click Here for the link to this weeks readings from the USCCB