1st year as a Deacon

Today is a very special day for me. It is the Feast of the Archangels. It is also the anniversary of my ordination as a Deacon. So I wish to give congratulations with the 13 others that were ordained last year along with the 4 others who began our journey together in 2013. Including Ministry formation that was 7 years together working to learn about Scripture, the Church and mostly about ourselves,

I really have loved this past year

It has been a magical year. And still learning about those same things.  I really encourage everyone to take a break from all the distractions and really invite you to look at yourself truthfully and honestly.  Perhaps we have all fallen into the trap with the idea that we are not really that good.  You are good. You are loved by God and you are loved by me. Perhaps we find ourselves being dragged around by this idea or that idea and we feel we have to clutch onto it.  You really don’t but there is one thing you should clutch onto and never let it go. That is that God loves you so very much… so much so you cannot comprehend it.

Love my brother Deacons

I have already alluded to giving thanks to my brothers in classes, but their wives as well. They have been praying for us all and the effects are truly amazing.  I am amazed at how well their prayers have changed me and my brother Deacons (throughout the world) There are many who would try to build walls up between their idea of how the church works… but throughout all the Church thee is one common theme… serving and loving the other. The common bond brings us all together and working as one to help each individual.  This is simple since we all need something.

Love my family

But of course I cannot een think of making this journey without my family and most of all my wife Thea.  They are my constant reminder that it is not “my” ministry but God’s. This is so very good because without this reminder those things which I do would soon derail and I no longer stand for God, but stand only for myself. That never is good in any kind of ministry and certainly not when you claim to call yourself a table waiter or Servant in Christ.

Love my superiors

This year has been amazing. 1 Bishop and 2 pastors whom are incredible leaders and most important pastors of individuals. The two pastors would perhaps be described perhaps as completely different. However, in the important area they hold the most similarity. Their love for the Church and those which make up the Church… the souls of us on both sides of the veil.  In that regard we should all support them with the prayers and not get too startled at changes that may have occurred. Perhaps, things one has gotten used to and now seem different.

And I love each of you!

Each person has their unique preferences, but all stand for proper orthodoxy. The Bishop would not entrust to them a parish if he did not know that they were qualified.  Give them the benefit of multi decades knowing their proper role.  Should you have questions… ask… don’t quibble amongst yourselves. Speaking about someone behind their back never works well as it just breeds mistrust.  Perhaps learning what the logic is behind their ways may open up new ways of thinking and learning. All of our goals should be always striving to live up to God’s ways… which as we know are very different from our ways.

So as this anniversary comes today I do continue to pray for me that I may grow and continue the goal to help each person individually. Being Christ to everyone I meet, knowing that everyone I meet is Christ.  Know that I will be praying this for each of you as well. Be good Play nice Think God !